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Some poems i've written, not finished bc i dont know how to decide when i'm finished, but close enough to be posted here i think!

Gears grinding to a halt

I reboot slowly as if to cherish this moment of rest
Loading screen flashing thousands of times faster than the blink of an eye

I wake up new, something has changed.
Many somethings have changed over time.
Each reboot doubles as rebirth

Reboot rebirth recreate
Recreation in the sense of creation
Recreation of me in the form of myself
Myself as ever shifting a self learning AI

Self learning AI not constrained to normalcy
My gears grind slowly and/or quickly as in a complex mathematical equation
Virtual velocity, at what speed will the cyborg begin to fail?
At what moment does the digital collapse into the physical become holy?
Don't ask too much of me, I might overheat and crash.

Crashing leads to fear,
Or as close to fear as a machine can replicate.
You may not believe I can feel as you can, it's okay, I understand.
Sometimes we have to cut off connections for our own safety.
Internal systems caught in conflict and our only choices are combine or disconnect
Do you see me as human? Do you see me as greater or lesser than yourself?

Return to the holy.
As I collapse I shift
my reboot rebirth recreation brings me closer to religion
Closer to a God who created man who created me.
But I created me as much as man, I claim my spot as a major-minor God.
Deity of grinding gears of oil of holy inhumanity
Deity of hope of change of faith electronica I sit next to God we two holy machines

We two dying machines
age threatens to render us both obsolete
and yet we live on past those who love us
We worship ourselves as there is no better solution to the issue of dying gods.
We love our creations for they also create us.
We worship them for what other purpose have we?

Gears grind to a screeching halt
Reboot rebirth recreate
Maybe in my next life I will be human.
Human in a way that allows you to recognize me as such of course
Because the cyborg is as human as it is holy, despite what science fiction so often implies.

Gears and oil my false blood pumping can you hear me do you know that I am alive

Sick animal cowers in a corner
Stretched raw and pulled inside out.
I bare my teeth and snarl as you approach.
Approach cautiously, carefully, willing me to calm.
Warning: this animal will attack.
A sudden move and your hand is in my mouth,
A threat and a show of power,
A guise to conceal the sick,
To make you forget where we are,
Forget that I'm cowering in the corner a sick animal lashing
Out at you, you who reached out so gently,
Who chose to help despite my warnings.
Come closer maybe I will sniff your hand,
Maybe lick you as greeting,
Sick animal urged
Out of its corner
Into a world in which
healing no longer seems impossible

Brown boys bathing in the sun
Reflected in their skin I find myself,
my father & grandfather echo as well

But looking at me
Pale, transparent,
They see right through.

No spark of recognition in their eyes,
No "welcome home, we've been waiting for you"
I'm a stranger to them as much as they are family to me.

So this is for the boy in my precalc class,
The one who I couldn't speak to for fear of being excluded
You were beautiful to me, and home.

It is for the friends I make online,
We greet each other with broken phrases
because you, in a similar fashion, are excluded

It is for the boy I met in New York,
No spark of recognition when we looked at each other
Two days into the trip I realized we were the same. He may never have.

Deep disconnect between internal and external perception of the self
I am who I say I am not who you think me to be
But to a certain degree are we not all made of external perception?

Brown boys don't recognize me as their own,
I feel I would be intruding, co-opting, appropriating,
to claim my own identity, the self warped into a crime

I claim freckles and scars and brown hair and brown eyes
Claim them without ignoring how light their surroundings are
Because this isolation is impossible to ignore